Small Groups

Saturday (星期六)

  • Evening (Zoom)(晚上8:00 -9:00 PM
  • Chinese Alpha (啟發)
  • Asia Sunday Morning 9:00 – 10:00 AM. 中國/台灣/馬來西亜 星期天 早上 9:00 – 10:00 點). 無論身處世界哪個角落、每個人都會有與生俱來對人生意義的礙問和探索信仰的本能; 啟發探索課程就是為此而設的。 專門為一些對信仰感興趣者而提供。 課程為期10到-12週。觀看一段富啟發性的影片、幫助大家敞開心扉談論人生與信仰。提出問題以及分享觀點。 耶稣是谁?衪為”什麼”而死? 衪以什麼權柄赦罪? 衪對自已的宣稱、衪對世界的引響 等等的討論分享。如果您想更認識耶稣基督教或探索人生、歡迎您参加。值得用我們一生中的幾個小時去尋索人生

15 minutes break. Resume with Chinese Worship Service/Sermons
休息15分鐘. 中文崇拜.

  • Evening (Zoom)(晚上)9:15 – 10:15 PM
  • Chinese Service. Meet right after Alpha session. (FriendSpeak Chinese Speaking friends from overseas and local. China/Taiwan/Malaysia. Asia time 10:15 – 11:15 AM on Sunday Morning). 中文敬拜/講道. 中國/台湾/馬來西亜 星期天早上 中文崇拜 10:15 – 11:15 點.

Wednesday (星期三)

  • Evening (Zoom) (晚上)7:00 – 8:30 PM
  • Wisdom for Mothers (智慧的母親)

Tuesday (星期二)

  • Morning (in Person). 9:30 – 11:00 AM
  • FriendSpeak Fellowship

ALPHA (啟發)

Alpha is a 12 weeks of interactive sessions to discuss life and the Christian faith in an informal and friendly environment. Alpha sessions includes watching a short video and a discussion at the end where everyone can share their thoughts from the video. Is Alpha for me? Whether you are interested in investigating Christianity or if you are a new Christian, or interested in a small group experience, or a Christian who want to brush up on the basics, or simply want to make new friends, Alpha is the perfect place for you.

Please email Sarah for detail