Our Story

Ever since God called us to leave our corporate lives as engineers in 2016 to start His ministries – ESL, FriendSpeak, Alpha, and Chinese Ministry, our lives have never been the same because we serve the Amazing God that keeps on “WOW”ing us!

We’re currently serving at Grace Fellowship Church at 2655 S. Mason, our home church.

Here is a video to share about our amazing journey with the Lord from 2014 to present and the amazing works God is doing in FriendSpeak@Grace to outreach to the international communities as HIStory continues:

Psalm 2:8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. 你求我, 我就将列国赐你为基业, 将地极赐你为田产.

  • Luke was born in Taiwan and grew up in Malaysia. He came to US in 1990 after high school to study Electrical Engineering at the University of Arkansas. He has a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and a graduate study in Industrial Engineering. Luke started his engineering career after his graduation in 1996. Sarah was born and raised in Malaysia. She came to US in 1990 to study Chemical Engineering at the University of Arkansas, she has a bachelor and a master degree in Chemical Engineering. Sarah started her engineering career in Houston after her graduation in 1997. In 2016, both of them sensed a call to a self supported full-time ministry to reach out to the Chinese Community. On January 7th 2017, Luke and Sarah started a house worship gathering reaching out to the Chinese Community in Houston-Katy area. In March of 2017, they started teaching beginner ESL class in their home to the Chinese community. As their ministry grew and in need of more space, they moved their outreach ministry to Kingsland Baptist Church on November 1st, 2017. Luke and Sarah officially joined Kingsland Baptist Church in 2018 as full time volunteers. In August 2018 they launched the Chinese Ministry at the church and served as ministry directors. At the same time they launched FriendSpeak English Conversational Practice program to outreach other Internationals in the community. They continued to lead FriendSpeak, ESL, Chinese ministry and Alpha programs at Kingsland Baptist Church until June of 2020.
    Luke and Sarah joined Grace Fellowship Church at 2655 S. Mason in August 2020. They’re currently serving at Grace church leading FriendSpeak/ESL program, Chinese Alpha and Bible study classes.

  • 張正誼(Luke)出生於台灣, 在馬來西亞長大。 1990來美阿肯色州留學就讀電子工程, 1996年畢業於電子學士和工業研究工程。 畢業後, 在休士頓從事工作。林愛光(Sarah)出生長大於馬來西亞。1990來美阿肯色州留學就讀化學工程, 畢業化工學士和碩士。1997畢業後,在休士頓從事工作。 2016年夫婦倆人在神恩典祝福下蒙召自供全職事奉。2017年1月7日開始家庭聚會, 並在同年3月份在家里開放教英語事工 向休士頓和凱地華人社區福音外展。2018年加入「KBC」團隊投入全職志工服事華裔朋友, 帶領英語課程, Friendspeak 和 Alpha啟發外展事工 直到2020年6月。他們目前在 Grace Fellowship Church at 2655 S. Mason 服事.

Our Contacts:

  • Luke Chong | Luke@FriendSpeak.net
  • Sarah Chong | Sarah@FriendSpeak.net