LiveVoice Setup

LiveVoice Login steps:

  1. Turn on computer
  2. Select login: Interpretation and password is “Grace2023!”
  3. Open up Chrome browser and select the LiveVoice bookmark
  4. On the LiveVoice page, click the Login
  5. The Login pop up will have the prefilled Login and password
  6. Click on Log in button
  7. Once Login to the Event page, click on the GFC-Sunday Service
  8. On the GFC-Sunday Service page, click on “Start as speaker”
  9. On the Speak page, click on “Start” to begin the broadcast
  10. Once service completed, click on the “Stop” button

Step 1-2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5-6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10