On My Way (Summary)
— To all Jesus’s disciples who walked with me on my Journey to Baptism
November 22nd, 2010 was the first day I stepped on the land of U.S. It was hard to start a life in a completely new country but I still enjoyed exploring everything, except churches. About 5 years ago, my husband Chongkai was introduced to an ESL class/FriendSpeak at Kingsland Baptist Church by our neighbor Lorine. He learned about Jesus and the salvation from his FriendSpeak teacher Stan through reading the Bible stories. One day when I heard Chongkai was going to get baptized, I thought I heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. I didn’t even attend my husband’s baptism. Chongkai brought our 4 year old son Jonathan to church every week. I enjoyed every quiet Sunday morning at home by myself, practicing piano, or just baking. My coworker and best friend Chao was very excited to have Chongkai as his brother in Christ and started encouraging me go to church as well and my son Jonathan started to challenge me with questions about Jesus also.
In 2019, my whole family attended the Christmas eve service. Surprisingly, I felt peace watching hundreds of candles lit up in the dark worship center. The following Sunday I attended a church worship service at Kingsland. Then, through an invitation from a Taiwanese couple, Will and Yu, I attended the Sunday Chinese service as well. I was also invited to attend the Chinese Alpha at the church, reluctantly.
Journey to God was not easy. The European company I worked for suddenly announced Houston office closure on the last day of July 2020, during the COVID pandemic. I was shocked. My work is not only the main financial support to our family, I take pride in my work too. It was a very difficult time for me. I also learned that job searching may be long. Brothers and sisters from my Chinese fellowship prayed for me together. Sister Carrie carried my unhappiness in her heart as she shared scriptures, devotions, and prayers with me. She also shared the ups and downs from her life with trust and honesty. Unexpectedly, even though my 4 year old son Jonathan did not really understand my unhappiness, he still shared his learning. “Mom, do you know Jeremiah 29:11? I learned it today at church.” Jonathan asked me on a Sunday afternoon. I opened my Bible and read “’For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” The Lord’s word is so powerful.
During this difficult period, God sent Lisa Leggett into my life through FriendSpeak program. In September 2020, I started my FriendSpeak journey with Lisa. I enjoy our FriendSpeak sessions very much. Our sessions always extended well beyond our Bible stories time. We talk about life and other things as well. I’ve gained faith, and more importantly, friendship. Through Lisa, I get to know about Grace church and I started to listen to Pastor Jim’s sermons. From Pastor Jim’s message, I started to experience the living God in my life. However, I struggled on my decision to get baptized. At the same time, I continued to pray for a new job every day. I was thinking why God delayed in answering my prayers. Waiting is tough, long wait is tougher!
On April 8th (Thur.), Chongkai and I went to his FriendSpeak teacher Stan’s house for Bible study in the morning. Stan’s wife, Michelle prayed over me and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace that led me to make the decision to get baptized. I left Stan’s house and headed over to Lisa’s house to tell her the news. Lisa and I cheered together for my baptism decision.
The very next day, April 9th (Fri.), GOD GAVE ME A JOB from my dream company! On April 11th (Sunday) I was baptized by Pastor Jim at Grace church and I became a daughter of the Almighty God! I really thank God for sending so many wonderful people into my life to lead me home. Thank you Jesus!
– Jin Zhang