FriendSpeak Baptism Testimonies – Chloe & Kenneth’s (Mother and Son) (October 10th, 2021)

Chloe: My name is Chloe. I grew up in a communist country but I didn’t adopt communism nor embrace its teachings and refused to become its member. Therefore, I received unfair treatments from school and people around me that have joined the communist party. In my heart, I have a longing to know God. This year I attended a friend’s baptism at Grace. During the worship service, for the very first time, I felt my wondering soul found rest. There was an unspeakable comfort, relieve and peace as I listen to the sermon and worship that day. I started attending Grace Church Sunday morning worship and FriendSpeak program. I feel God’s presence every time I am in the church. Things started to change in my life which can’t be explained but God. I thank God for my FriendSpeak teacher Michelle to help me to improve my English. Through Michelle’s help I can now speak English without fear. Michelle also help me understand the Bible stories from the workbook. Now, even though I can only understand maybe 30% of Pastor Jim’s sermon, I felt God is speaking to me through sermon and worship every time. Many time my tears just flow uncontrollably. I felt like a child here and I knew I found my home. I long and thirst for Jesus to come and dwell in my heart. Please Lord forgive my past known and unknown sins, forgive my known and unknowns sinful thoughts and curses, heal all my disease and my family. I want to be baptized and to make public my faith in Jesus today.
Kenneth: I started to attend Grace Church a few months ago with my mom. I’m very happy every time I come to the church. When I was very small, I read a children pictorial Bible. Since then I always believe that Jesus and God is always with me. I have been hoping and waiting to get baptize to make my faith and my believe in Jesus public. I want Jesus to guide my life and give me wisdom to know how to live my life especially when I am in trouble and in fear. I also want to help others to know Jesus so Jesus can help them when they have problems.

Nowadays, you will find Chloe with her new life in Christ praising God in the choir and the worship team. To God be the Glory!