Dear faithful friends and volunteers,
We can never thank God enough for all your supports in prayers and volunteering to serve in FriendSpeak ministry! Since we started our full time ministry in 2017, many of you have asked us how you can support our ministry financially.
A little about our financial background. We praise God for providing us generously during our nearly 20 years of engineering careers. He has blessed us beyond measure and has miraculously prepared us to serve Him full time. We have made a commitment to God since day one that we will live out of our retirement funds until He shows us otherwise. We felt that this is one of many ways to experience His faithfulness and provision. Therefore, we’re not accepting personal offerings at the moment.
Thank you so much for loving us and wanting to support our ministry. We would appreciate it if you would re-direct your financial support to our home Church mission works ( Our home church, Grace Fellowship is funding our FriendSpeak ministry fully. Another place we would love to see your financial support is our FriendSpeak headquarter, Let’s Start Talking ( Or you may also help to purchase FriendSpeak workbooks for our ministry (
I hope this helps to direct you on how you can support our FriendSpeak ministry financially. Thank you for loving us and loving/caring for our international friends. May God continue to bless the labor of our (you and I) hands and multiply His kingdom works. Heaven rejoices when we continue to make eternal impact in people’s life. We love you!
HIStory continues….
Luke and Sarah Chong (8/2021)