Alpha Signup 啟發課

啟發是一系列互動聚會,讓人們可以在一個安全、敞開的空間,無論是在線上還是面對面,都可以探索人生、信仰和生命的意義, 并提出問題和分享觀點的人而設的空間。

秋季中文启发课。地点:Grace Church 大楼,2楼 Vista室。时间:每周二晚上6:30 – 8:30(2024年9月17日 – 11月19日)。提供晚餐。提供儿童看护服务,需要提前(2周)登记。

如需详细信息,请联系 Sarah

Alpha is an engaging series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each video-talk looks at a different question around faith and the meaning of life.

  • Fall Chinese Alpha . 中文啟發課. Grace Church. Ministry Building. 2nd Floor, Vista room. Tuesday Evening @ 6:30 -8:30 pm (September 17th – November 19th, 2024). Dinner is provided. Child care is provided with pre-registration (2 weeks in advance).

Please contact Sarah Chong for detail.